Scorpio Group sign a 5-year fleet agreement for CARGOMASTER Services

Scorpio Group and KROHNE signed a 5-year fleet agreement for services complementing the latest CARGOMASTER tank monitoring system.

Tank monitoring systems are critical for the safety of human, vessel and environment. Furthermore, a downtime can potentially cause significant disruption in operations, resulting in delays and costs. Upgrading to the latest version of the CARGOMASTER tank monitoring system enables Scorpio vessel operators to take advantage of a number of priority response services. This includes online support, enhanced user interface, and simplified maintenance concepts for increased reliability.

“We're proud to support the business operations and enforcing our partnership with Scorpio Group” says Piero Padroni, Marine Division Manager at KROHNE Italy. Ralf Dopieralla, Global Sales Manager for KROHNE Marine Norway, adds: “Our aim is to provide exceptional after-sales support and services, reducing troubleshooting time and waiting time for a support specialist has been a top priority for us.”

Headquartered in Monaco, Scorpio Group is a shipowner and operator of first-class tonnage consisting of the latest generation of fuel-efficient tanker vessels from quality shipyards. The NYSE-listed Scorpio Tankers company, a member of the Scorpio Group, currently operates a fleet of over 100 tanker vessels.

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