"Sustainability through process automation": practical examples of sustainability

The German Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers' Association (ZVEI e.V.) has published a new brochure entitled "Sustainability through process automation", which contains practical examples of sustainability and energy efficiency projects that have already been implemented. Alongside numerous well-known manufacturing companies from the process industry, KROHNE has also contributed application examples.

The brochure was created in close cooperation between the ZVEI working group "Process Automation for Sustainability" and the NAMUR user association for automation technology in the process industry. The aim of the working group is to increase the efficiency and sustainability of companies in the process industry. The exchange between the participating companies shows that massive efficiency gains and a considerable reduction in engineering costs can be achieved through improved measurement and control technology, automation, digitalization and modularization, as well as process-optimized systems.

The brochure summarizes the possibilities for promoting the rapid and effective implementation of these goals, using examples of projects that have already been implemented. It is available in English and German.

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