Consultancy and engineering for sampling and analyser systems

Design and in-depth analysis by experienced specialists

  • Consultancy regarding local and international standards and certifications
  • Cost effective engineering concepts tailored to the application and installation
  • Detailed design of mechanical set-up, instrumentation, E&I and software
  • Assistance during project execution

Consultancy and engineering for sampling and analyser systems

Design and in-depth analysis by experienced specialists

  • Consultancy regarding local and international standards and certifications
  • Cost effective engineering concepts tailored to the application and installation
  • Detailed design of mechanical set-up, instrumentation, E&I and software
  • Assistance during project execution

관련 솔루션

액체 탄화수소용 자동 샘플링 솔루션

  • 독립형 또는 유량 계측 시스템에 통합된 샘플링 시스템
  • 자체 설계, 제조, 시운전 및 테스트
  • 배송 전 완전 조립 및 테스트 완료
  • 모든 특수 프로젝트 사양을 충족하는 엔지니어링 솔루션

원유, 정유 제품 및 천연 가스용 분석기 솔루션

  • 원유, 정유 제품 및 천연 가스의 품질 측정
  • 새로운 계량 시스템과 함께 제공되거나 기존 시스템에 대한 독립형 업그레이드로 제공됩니다
  • 고객이 선호하는 브랜드에 기반한 엔지니어링 솔루션

Related services

Assurance of a smooth and continuous operation in the field

  • On-site support by dedicated KROHNE engineers
  • Consultancy during the implementation of systems with KROHNE and non-KROHNE products
  • Site acceptance testing (SAT) to verify the system is working as per end-user requirements

Performance verification and additional diagnostics

  • KROHNE certified validation system
  • On-site or laboratory calibration of instruments
  • Adjustments of the systems according to application requirements
  • Monitoring and verification to confirm full performance of the system

Support agreements and scheduled checks and updates

  • Maintenance contracts and service level agreements
  • Pre-defined service rates and response times
  • 24/7 Customer support and emergency helpdesk
  • Periodic health checks and software updates

Seminars and workshops to improve system specific knowledge

  • Basic principles of measurement of product quality, water content and calorific value
  • Individual training sessions for operational, engineering and maintenance personnel
  • Customised project training and engineering background