System calibration & validation for metering control systems

KROHNE certified validation with full audit trail

  • Additional diagnostics and monitoring to achieve full performance of the system
  • Verification of the correct firmware and software versions and parameter settings
  • Alarm and error log review
  • Periodical inspection, including environmental and metrological certification

System calibration & validation for metering control systems

KROHNE certified validation with full audit trail

  • Additional diagnostics and monitoring to achieve full performance of the system
  • Verification of the correct firmware and software versions and parameter settings
  • Alarm and error log review
  • Periodical inspection, including environmental and metrological certification

관련 솔루션

프로세스 제어를 위한 완벽한 솔루션

  • 현장 계측의 유효성 검사를 포함한 계측 시스템 제어 기능 제공
  • 일반적으로 제어실 또는 전용 건물과 같은 안전한 장소에 설치됩니다
  • 새로운 계량 시스템과 함께 제공되거나 기존 시스템의 업그레이드를 위해 제공됩니다

기본 유량 제어 솔루션

  • 비용 효율적인 모듈식 계량 제어 솔루션
  • SUMMIT 8800 플로우 컴퓨터 기반
  • 일반적으로 제어실과 같은 안전한 공간에 설치됩니다

측정값 시각화를 위한 플로우 컴퓨터 솔루션

  • 모든 측정값의 그래픽 표현
  • 고객 요구 사항에 따라 완벽하게 사전 구성 및 테스트 완료
  • 단일 플로우 컴퓨터에서 다양한 액체 및 기체 스트림을 측정하고 표시합니다

전자 시스템 및 캐비닛을 현장에 설치하기 위한 턴키 하우징 솔루션

  • 전자 장비 및 캐비닛을 설치하기 위한 안전한 공간
  • 필요한 경우 통합 HVAC 시스템
  • 로컬 운영자 감독 워크스테이션 포함 가능

Related services

Execution of new installations or upgrades and retrofits of existing systems

  • Cost effective engineering concepts tailored to the application and installation
  • From single flow computer to fully wired and pre-configured metering houses
  • Detailed design of instrumentation plus engineering & integration
  • Site survey and feasibility studies for specific process or technical requirements

On-site support by dedicated KROHNE engineers

  • Installation supervision for on- and offshore metering control systems
  • Complete commissioning services to assure smooth operation in the field
  • Site acceptance testing (SAT) to verify the system is working as per end-user requirements

Operational support and scheduled maintenance

  • Maintenance contracts and service level agreements with guaranteed response and mobilisation times
  • Pre-defined service rates and response times
  • 24/7 Customer support and emergency helpdesk
  • Periodical health checks and software updates
  • Troubleshooting using a remote link or by an engineer on-site

Workshops and seminars for operators, engineers and maintenance staff

  • Basic principles of metering control systems
  • Customised to suit the specific requirements of the operator and the application
  • Training at one of our training locations or at client premises