OPTICHECK technology built-in

State-of-the-art measuring devices combine robust measuring principles and powerful electronics to produce a wide range of readings and device-specific data. OPTICHECK technology built in leverages the features of the devices to translate their available comprehensive measuring system data into sophisticated diagnostics information for plant personnel. It goes beyond extensive device diagnostics, self-tests and on-site verification. With measurement principle-specific application diagnostics, this technology also allows in-depth insights into the process and thus opens up far-reaching possibilities for device monitoring, condition-based maintenance and optimisation of measurement technology and systems.

OPTICHECK technology built-in

State-of-the-art measuring devices combine robust measuring principles and powerful electronics to produce a wide range of readings and device-specific data. OPTICHECK technology built in leverages the features of the devices to translate their available comprehensive measuring system data into sophisticated diagnostics information for plant personnel. It goes beyond extensive device diagnostics, self-tests and on-site verification. With measurement principle-specific application diagnostics, this technology also allows in-depth insights into the process and thus opens up far-reaching possibilities for device monitoring, condition-based maintenance and optimisation of measurement technology and systems.

The functional status of a measuring device can have a direct influence on the reliability of a measurement and therefore on process stability and system availability. The comprehensive device diagnostics from OPTICHECK technology built-in enable a measuring device to reliably detect typical errors or potential damage within the meter’s sensor or signal converter. OPTICHECK technology built-in produces a continuously repeating self-diagnosis of the measuring device resulting in reliable self-monitoring of the meter's health for every moment it is in operation.

Continuously repeating self-diagnosis

Every measuring device with OPTICHECK technology built-in is able to provide a reliable statement about the correct function of the device at any time. The technology uses continuously executed test routines to cyclically compare the current device condition against its baseline performance at time of delivery. In addition to the general monitoring of output signals, power supply and circuits, this includes numerous device-specific function tests.

  • Sensor and excitation coils short-circuit detection

  • Detection of mechanical damage to the primary measuring tube housing

  • Monitoring of measuring tube wear

    • e.g. corrosion and abrasion monitoring of electrodes

  • Monitoring the measurement accuracy

    • e.g. by feeding in test signals for continuous testing of the electronics

  • Continuous monitoring of integrated temperature and pressure measurements

  • Software and hardware errors detection

    • e.g. disturbed piezo signal

  • Plausibility check of the measured value

    • e.g. via continuous monitoring of the measuring range limits

  • Continuous evaluation of the signal quality

    • e.g. to identify unfavourable installation conditions

OPTICHECK technology built-in and SIL

OPTICHECK technology built-in offers particular added value during automated partial proof testing in safety-related applications. In the partial proof test, it enables a complete self-test to be carried out, which allows a proof test coverage (PTC) of up to 80% and a failure detection rate of approx. 95%, ensuring the safe operation of any safety-relevant function. This can also extend the interval between full tests under certain conditions.

On-site verification with report generation at the touch of a button

For the operator, the permanent self-monitoring is translated into standardised status signals in accordance with NAMUR NE 107. These status signals provide clear and comprehensible descriptions of the current device situation and provide a quick overview of error events. The error information can be immediately signalled to the control room via a defined error current or via error signals. This provides operators with condition-based information about the measuring devices in real time. Appropriate measures can be derived from this. All data is also logged in the measuring device and, in case of doubt, is available for a more in-depth root cause analysis.

The continuously running self-diagnosis of OPTICHECK technology built-in also forms the basis for rapid on-site verification of the measuring devices. Regardless of whether the status of software and hardware components is to be routinely checked and documented or carried out as part of troubleshooting, detailed verification reports on the health status of the instrumentation can be generated directly on site or in the control room. The measuring devices can be checked without interrupting the process and are ready for reporting at the touch of a button. Depending on the device type, this verification option can be performed wirelessly via Bluetooth using the OPTICHECK Mobile app on site at the field device or from the control room using the OPTICHECK DTM.

Built-in application diagnostics

In addition to comprehensive device diagnostics, OPTICHECK technology built-in stands for a wide range of device-specific application diagnostics that provide a deep insight into your own processes and systems. This measurement and device data is always available to operators to optimise and control processes. They also provide information that can be used for predictive system maintenance. OPTICHECK technology built-in utilises the device-specific data in numerous KROHNE measuring devices for meaningful application diagnostics.

  • Gas bubble detection in liquids

    • e.g. for process control in applications with desired or undesired air inclusions

  • Detection of deposits in the measuring tube

    • e.g. for the measurement of fatty media

  • Conductivity measurement

    • e.g. for monitoring the quality of measured media (drinking water, etc.)

  • Process and ambient temperature changes

    • e.g. to detect changes in the medium and temperature peaks outside the specification

  • Detection of process pressure changes

    • e.g. to detect burner soot build-up in ovens for the purpose of planning furnace overhauls

  • Transition phase detection for steam, saturated steam, condensate

    • e.g. for optimised control of steam circuits

  • Empty tube detection

    • e.g. as an indicator of a faulty supply or defective pumps

Advantages of OPTICHECK technology built-in at a glance:

  • Provides a variety of integrated, sophisticated diagnostics for the reliable detection of typical damage to sensors and signal converters/transmitters

  • Continuously checks for hardware and software errors

  • Self-diagnoses the health status of measuring devices without process interruption

  • Produces meaningful diagnostic data for regular verification of field devices or for verification as part of a quick troubleshooting measure, directly on site or form the control room

  • Makes a verification report available at the touch of a button without the need to remove the device

  • Forms basis for predictive maintenance: recognises wear and maintenance requirements

  • Offers numerous application diagnostics for improved process reliability and system availability

  • Enables a safe failure fraction (SFF) of 94-96% and a partial proof test coverage of 80% in SIL applications

  • Can log and display trends over time for early detection of failures, such as electrode fouling, and provides detailed information for maintenance engineers to take effective preventative action

관련 제품

안전 계장 시스템(SIS) 및 고정밀 요구 사항을 위한 전자기 유량계

  • 최대 SIL 2/3 안전 애플리케이션에 대한 인증, 자동화된 부분 증명 테스트 기능으로 확장된 증명 테스트 간격 제공
  • 동급 최강의 진단 테스트 간격, 2분에 불과한 오류 응답 시간 
  • SIL 2/3 최대 DN600 / 24", 비-SIL 최대 DN2000 / 80"(요청 시 더 큰 사이즈)
  • 펄스, 주파수, 상태, 4...20mA, HART®7

고급 프로세스 어플리케이션을 위한 코리올리스 질량 유량계

  • 극저온에서 고온 매질(-200...+400°C)에 대한 높은 정확도(±0.05% 플랫), 광범위한 가스 분율과 복잡한 유량 조건에서 작동 유지 (EGMTM)
  • SIL 2/3; CT: OIML R117, R137, MI-005, MI-002; API, AGA; 위생 인증
  • 플랜지: DN10...300 / ½...12", 최대 PN 160 / ASME Cl 1500
  • 3 x 4...20 mA, HART®7, Modbus, FF, Profibus-PA/DP, PROFINET, EtherNet/IP™, Bluetooth®

최고 용량의 벌크 측정을 위한 코리올리스 질량 유량계

  • 최대 4,600 t/h의 기체 및 액체용; 광범위한 기체 분율과 복잡한 유량 조건에서 작동 유지 (EGMTM)
  • CT: OIML R117, MI-005, MI-002; API 및 AGA 준수
  • 플랜지: DN100...400 / 4...16", 최대 PN160 / ASME Cl 1500
  • 3 x 4...20 mA, HART®7, Modbus, FF, Profibus-PA/DP, PROFINET, EtherNet/IP™, Bluetooth®

고급 프로세스 어플리케이션을 위한 코리올리스 질량 유량계

  • 점성이 있거나 공격적이거나 전단에 민감한 유체에 대한 높은 정확도(±0.1%), 광범위한 가스 분율과 복잡한 유량 조건에서도 작동 유지(EGMTM)
  • CT: OIML R117, MI-005; API; 위생 인증
  • 플랜지: DN10...100 / ½...4", 최대 PN100 / ASME Cl 600; 기타
  • 3 x 4...20 mA, HART®7, Modbus, FF, Profibus-PA/DP, PROFINET, EtherNet/IP™, Bluetooth®

범용 어플리케이션 및 프로세스 제어를 위한 코리올리스 질량 유량계

  • 기체 및 액체의 질량, 밀도 및 부피 흐름, 광범위한 기체 분율 및 복잡한 흐름 조건에서 작동 유지 (EGMTM)
  • 위생적 사용 인증도 획득했습니다
  • 플랜지: DN15...100 / ½...4", 최대 PN100 / ASME Cl 600; 다양한 위생 피팅
  • 3 x 4...20 mA, HART®7, FF, Profibus-PA/DP, Modbus, PROFINET, EtherNet/IP™, Bluetooth®

저유량 및 정량 응용 분야를 위한 코리올리스 질량 유량계

  • 기체 및 액체에 대한 높은 정확도(±0.1%) >0.3 kg/h; 광범위한 기체 분율 및 복잡한 유량 조건에서 작동 유지(EGMTM)
  • 표준 압력 등급 최대 300 bar
  • 플랜지: DN15 / 1/2"; 나사 및 클램프 연결도 가능합니다
  • 3 x 4...20 mA, HART®7, Modbus, FF, Profibus-PA/DP, PROFINET, EtherNet/IP™, Bluetooth®

유틸리티 애플리케이션 및 에너지 관리 시스템용 볼텍스 유량계

  • 액체, (습식) 가스, 포화 및 과열 증기(+240°C)의 경우
  • 통합 P+T 측정: 질량, 공칭 유량, 에너지, 총/순열의 직접 출력
  • 플랜지: DN15...300 / ½...12"; 웨이퍼 버전: 최대 DN100 / 4"
  • 2선식, 4...20 mA, HART®, FF, Profibus-PA

액체 및 과립형 어플리케이션을 위한 레이더 레벨 트랜스미터

  • 탱크 (최대 5 bar / 72.5 psi), 용수 및 폐수 유역, 펌프장, 소형 과립형 사일로 등에서 비용 효율적인 비접촉식 레벨 측정.   
  • 작고 견고한 80GHz 레이더 , 매립형 장착 PVDF 렌즈 안테나, 방수 (IP68)
  • 측정 범위: 0...10 m / 32.8 ft
  • 2선식 4...20mA HART®7; Bluetooth® 를 통한 사용자 친화적인 시운전, OPTICHECK Level Mobile 앱 사용

액체 화학 물질 및 개방 채널 유량 측정을 위한 레이다 레벨 트랜스미터

  • 비용 효율적인 비접촉 레벨 측정 IBC, 화학 탱크 (최대 5bar / 72.5psi), (폐)물 어플리케이션; 고정밀 요구 사항 충족, 레벨 및 유량 트랜스미터 개방 채널 측정용으로 설계되었습니다
  • 작고 견고한 80GHz 레이더, 매립형 장착 PVDF 렌즈 안테나, 방수 (IP68)
  • 측정 범위: 0...15m / 49.2m
  • 2선식 4...20mA HART®7; Bluetooth® 를 통한 사용자 친화적인 시운전, OPTICHECK Level Mobile 앱 사용

고급 장치 검증 및 시운전을 위한 DTM

  • 제어실 또는 현장의 모든 FDT 프레임 애플리케이션과 함께 사용 가능
  • 프로세스 중단 없는 고급 인증(레벨 0,1)
  • IEC 61508/61511에 따른 안전 루프 증명 테스트 문서 및 품질 관리 시스템(ISO 9001)에 대한 상세 보고서

무선 디바이스 시운전, 확인 및 모니터링을 위한 모바일 앱

  • 안전한 블루투스 연결을 통한 무선 커미셔닝 및 디바이스 매개변수화
  • 측정 중단 없는 검증
  • 계량기 성능 및 애플리케이션 매개변수 모니터링
  • IOS 및 Android용 무료 다운로드